VAT Status of vehicle

If you buy through the auction or bid process, there are three categories that used vehicles will be placed in.


A UK VAT registered company can claim UK VAT back from the purchase price, (currently 20%) from a VAT Qualifying vehicle, as long as it is purchased by a VAT registered company directly from the seller advertising it as VAT Qualifying.

THREE PEARS VEHICLE SOLUTIONS is a UK VAT registered company and can assist with these purchases, but only if strict guidelines are followed.

  1. 3 Pears must purchase the vehicle and be invoiced directly from the UK VAT registered Vendor
  2. 3 Pears must be provided with written confirmation the vehicle is VAT Qualifying from Vendor
  3. 3 Pears will invoice you for the VAT exclusive price, PLUS any transportation required and service charge
  4. 3 Pears currently charges a fee of 1.5% of the gross vehicle price for this service
  5. 3 Pears Net value invoice must be paid in full immediately upon invoice

There is no way of claiming VAT back out of a VAT Marginal vehicle. The price listed is the price you will pay. There is no point in intervention by Three Pears.


If a vehicle is identified as “commercial, 20% VAT will be added to the purchase price after sale, but under the same conditions as VAT Qualifying vehicles, this will be re-claimable, but only if similar strict guidelines are followed.

  1. 3 Pears must purchase the vehicle and be invoiced directly from the UK VAT registered vendor
  2. 3 Pears must be provided with written confirmation the vehicle is VAT Qualifying
  3. 3 Pears will charge a fee of 1.5% of the gross vehicle price for this service
  4. 3 Pears Net value invoice from Three Pears must be paid in full immediately

Note: BUYUKCARS or 3 Pears must be contacted prior to any purchase where VAT is not able to be removed directly by the Vendor.